Get involved outside the classroom
1MSU has an out-of-class experience for everyone. Not sure where to start? You are welcome to begin by visiting the SER Catalog in the Spartan Experience Record platform, which includes a range of campus experiences to explore and learn about.
Below include other helpful resources to find engagement opportunities.
1. Involve@State (Student Organizations)
MSU is home to over 900 active Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). For a list of active RSOs, please visit Involve@State here.
2. Handshake (On-campus employment)
Handshake is a great resource to explore active job openings throughout MSU. Visit Handshake here.
3. Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate research includes scholarly, creative, and artistic activities. To find opportunities, visit http://urca.msu.edu/.
4. Community Engaged Learning (Volunteer Opportunities)
If you’re looking to make a positive impact on the local community, volunteering in the greater Lansing area is a great place to start. To explore opportunities, please visit the Community Engaged Learning website here.
5. MSU Faculty, staff, and peers
Opportunities for out-of-class engagement can be found by connecting with faculty, staff, and advisors within your program of study. Your peers and peer leaders can serve as wonderful resources too.
Suggest your out-of-class experience to the Spartan Experience Record
2Are you participating in an out-of-class experience that you’d like to have reflected on your Spartan Experience Record? Suggest your experience to be added to the Spartan Experience Record platform by completing the form that tells us all about your activity and position. You are welcome to connect to the faculty/staff advisor/supervisor of the experience to request they submit it to the platform, or you can suggest your experience to us and we will reach out to your faculty/staff advisor via the form.
Await experience submission and validation by a faculty/staff advisor/supervisor
3Now that your experience has been suggested, it will await submission by your MSU faculty/staff advisor/supervisor to the platform for official review! You are welcome to collaborate to work on your submission, but the experience MUST be placed into the Spartan Experience Record platform by your faculty/staff advisor/supervisor.
After the experience is submitted, it must be approved by the Spartan Experience Record Team. Once approved, your position will officially be a part of the platform.
Upon approval, the position can then be validated (which occurs at the end of your experience throughout the academic year). Once validated, the position is added to your Spartan Experience Record!
Request and use your Spartan Experience Record!
4Once your experience is verified, it will be reflected on your Spartan Experience Record (SER)! You can use your SER to reflect on your experience and the learning you took away, help you create a resume or prepare for an interview, and to support your personal and professional goals. To request your SER, please visit the Registrar’s Office website here.