Since Fall 2020, Spartans are now able to request their Spartan Experience Record (SER), which displays student learning and engagement in non-credit bearing experiences. The customizable record can be requested alongside a student’s transcript in the Registrar’s Office. The SER can be used to help students reflect on their experiences, create a resume, be shared with employers and graduate schools, and other educational purposes. To request your record, visit the MSU Registrar’s Office site.
Below is an interactive example of a Spartan Experience Record. This tool is to assist in educating and familiarizing faculty, staff, students, and community partners with the record.
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The first page of your Spartan Experience Record (SER) serves two purposes: to introduce the document and its purpose, and to introduce the types of co-curricular experiences you have participated in at MSU.
Category icons help you and others define the types of co-curricular experiences you have participated in outside the classroom. Currently, we have 10 possible categories.

The second page lists the validated co-curricular experiences you have participated in throughout your experience at MSU.
The category icon appears in the ribbon to note the experiences you participated in related to that icon. For example, all research category experiences will show in this section.
Your experiences will be listed by the academic year they occurred within each category, sorted from most recent to least recent within each category.
Within this section, the name of your position, the activity you participated in, and the organization are listed.
The duration of each experience is listed here.
The position description contextualizes what you did during your experience. This will be helpful for you to reflect back on your experience, shape your resume, and more.
The time you committed to this experience is listed here.
This section focuses on the learning that took place through participating in the experience. A minimum of one to a maximum of five learning outcomes will be listed.
The MSU Registrar and the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education sign your SER, making it an official MSU approved document. Your co-curricular experiences are formally recognized by MSU.