Verify Your Students

Verify Your Students

A critical step to ensure your experience is added to your students’ SER is to verify their successful engagement and completion of the learning experience. This occurs when the experience concludes (similar to how students get a grade at the conclusion of the term, students have the experience added when they complete the co-curricular experience).

Why is completing validation important?

Validating student participation in the Spartan Experience Record activity allows the position/role the student held to display on their Spartan Experience Record (SER). Until their participation/learning is validated, it does not display on their SER. Once complete, students will be notified about the position added to their record.

When should validation be completed?

March 4 – Experiences that completed in Fall 2024

April 19 – Experiences that complete in Spring 2025

June 27 – Experiences that complete end of Summer I 2025 term

August 15 – Experiences that complete end of Summer II 2025 term

Login to the Spartan Experience Record platform and Verify Your Students

Login to the Spartan Experience Record platform to verify your students. With student net I.D.s ready, you are set to complete this process.  For step-by-step instructions, please follow the “Adding Student Participants to an Activity/Position” guide found here:

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Spartan Experience Record Team at with any questions.